

I am delighted in attaching here with the December 2016 Monthly Research Report, which is produced by BDGH.

In first-hand residential market, the new supply of commodity residential space in Shanghai in November dropped 26.31 percent month on month to 220,144.87 sq.m. In the meanwhile, the transaction totaled 603,456 sq.m. in the city, dropped 30.55 percent month on month with an average transaction price of RMB 46,317 p.s.m. in November, up 4.57 percent from October.

In addition to above, some of the other key findings of the Report include:
Macro- economy: FDI growth slow in November
宏观经济: 11月我国FDI增速放缓
Government Policy: 2 cities tighten curbs on home buying
政府政策: 郑州、武汉楼市限购再度升级
Infrastructure: Another bridge to cross the Huangpu
基础建设: 黄埔江将再建一跨江大桥
Land Market: Hongfang paid 1.335 billion for a retail & office plot in Hongkou
土地市场: 虹房置业以13.35亿竞得虹口一商办用地
Residential: Affected by macro-control and market off season, supply and demand are still falling, while average price is continue climbing in November
住宅市场: 受近期政策调控和市场季节性因素影响,11月上海一手商品住宅市场供求量继续下降,但成交价格仍在缓慢爬升
Office: Affected by various factors, the office market has a raise both in volume and price in November
办公市场: 受多方因素影响,11月上海可售性办公物业成交情况向好,实现量价齐增
Retail: Market is still digesting the inventory and has a bit of drop in price
零售市场: 11月份上海可售型零售物业市场持续消化库存中,价格微跌


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